Thanks David,
You got me thinking of a similar approach. For one table I created a string for each row comprised of all the row elements. I then inserted the string into a list. Similarly I created a string for each row in the second table and checked to see if it was contained in the list.
dtOld = Data Table( "oldDelta" );
dtNew = Data Table( "Delta" );
nr = N Rows( dtOld );
nc = N Cols( dtOld );
oldList = {};
For( j = 1, j <= nr, j++,
oldString = "";
For( k = 1, k <= nc, k++,
oldString = oldString || Char( Column( dtOld, k ) )
Insert Into( oldList, oldString );
nr = N Rows( dtNew );
For( j = 1, j <= nr, j++,
newString = "";
For( k = 1, k <= nc, k++,
newString = newString || Char( Column( dtNew, k ) )
If( Contains( oldList, newString ),
Print( j )
Message was edited by: Bill E