You can specify the min, max, increment and other values with Format (works for x and y axis). The values can be fixed numbers, or variables that an earlier part of the script calculates, as in the following script I made. global_result_minimum, global_result_maximum and global_timepoint_maximum are all variables that are calculated earlier by the script.
In your case, you can make your figure yourself, change the axes, then save the script to the scripting window to see exactly where you need to define your axes.
Data Table( "Current Plot Table" ) << Overlay Plot(
X( :Name( "Test points (Months)" ) ),
Y( column(7), column(8), column(9), column(10),column(11)),
Grouping( :Batch Number, :Pack size ),
Connect Thru Missing( 1 ),
:name("25°C/60%RH") (
Connect Color( 5 ),
Overlay Marker Color( 5 )
:name("30°C/75%RH") (
Connect Color( 4 ),
Overlay Marker Color( 4 )
:name("40°C/75%RH") (
Connect Color( 3 ),
Overlay Marker Color( 3 )
By( :Market, :Strength),
{Format( "Best", 12 ), min(global_result_minimum), max(global_result_maximum), Add Ref Line( Market_limit, Dotted, "Gray", Market_limit_name, 2 ), Inc( 5 ), Minor Ticks( 1 )}
{Min( 0 ), Max(global_timepoint_maximum), Inc( 3), Minor Ticks( 2 )}