a bare minimum of saccade length, fixation duration, deviation from screen center, condition type, cognitive load, video, participant, average nback performance, and time would be needed. None of these variables besides condition and participant are within the both data sets.
There are such stark differences in the data for each participant between the two files because of the data being collected. In the Eye movement file (2,286 rows) I am recording every single eye movement that they have. Int the nback file (337 rows) I am only getting a response every ~2 seconds because that is how often a letter is presented to them in an auditory manor. I will also have data on 4 of the 8 videos presented to each subject within the nback file, because participants watched half the videos with and half without the nback task to compare performance across the two conditions.
I am looking at eye movement changes based on the manipulations of condition and cognitive load. (fixed effects in my model)
I use participant and video as random effects, so they are still needed to run the analyses.
If I can combine the two files successfully I want to also look at these same variables with the addition of their performance on the nback task (the cognitive load).
Does this help at all?