Hi @DualARIMACougar
If you want your report to have a nice look and structure, you will need to consider building dashboards or learning how to build custom reports.
If you just would like a simple window with all the reports in a list, you might find this script helpful. I wrote this a little while ago to create a vertical list of reports in a single window that I could save to a journal. You can also save the resulting window as an Interactive HTML file.
Here is how to use this script:
- Save all your reports as scripts to the data table.
- Run the attached Combine Reports.jsl file and you will create a new script in your data table named << COMBINE REPORTS >>
- Run this new script from the data table and you will be prompted to select all the reports you would like to combine.
- Select the reports and click Run to combine all the reports in a single window.
You can now save the new window as an Interactive HTML or Journal.
I have only tested the script on v17 and v18.
Hope this helps!