I have the for loop below iterating through columns assigning a "coding" property to each one. all_cols is the list of columns of interest. The function works - almost as intended. The coding property is assigned correctly, col min & col max values included.
for( y = 1, y <= N Items( all_cols ), y++,
row() = y;
lims = Eval List( { col min( eval( all_cols[y] ) ), col max( eval( all_cols[y] ) ) } );
all_cols[y] << Set Property( "Coding", Expr( lims ) );
However, in the enhanced log, I notice the error "Coding property didn’t have two numbers" iterate once for each column in all_cols. I've counted.
Here's where this presents a problem. Later in my script, Standard Least Squares is performed. Once I go to remove an effect from the list of effects in Effect Summary, an error box of the same message appears. Shown below. If the box is exited using the "x" in the upper right corner, or if the "OK" button is pressed, this box will indefinitely appear, locking up usage of JMP until I end JMP's tasks forcefully.
A for each() function will have the same error, given similar JMP expression evaluations. This would be equivalent to highlighting all of the columns and batch changing all of their properties through Standardize Attributes.
Any thoughts on what's happening and how to stop it?
Learning every day!