My script below, first script, will not acknowledge any changes I make for set title. It keeps defaulting to "Oneway Analysis of PARAMETER_VALUE By Status" regardless of what I enter for set title.
I have a script for distribution, second script, and I don't seem to have any problems with it so I'm not sure what is going on.
Any ideas on what I need to change?
Thank You
Template_TM = Expr(
TM = Oneway(
Each Pair(1),
Means and Std Dev(1),
t Test(1),
Points Jittered(1),
Box Plots(1),
Mean Error Bars(1),
Std Dev Lines(1),
Comparison Circles(1),
X Axis Proportional(0),
Where(:PARAMETER_ID == Eval(TargetParameter)),
Dispatch({}, "Oneway Analysis of MEAS_DATA By Status", OutlineBox, {Set Title( TargetParameter )}),
Dispatch({}, "1", ScaleBox, {Scale("Log"), Min(0.0001), Max(5), Inc(1), Minor Ticks(1), Label Row Nesting(1), Add Ref Line(Eval(Limit_UCL), "Dotted", "Dark Blue", "UCL", 1)}),
Dispatch({}, "MEAS_DATA", TextEditBox, {Set Text("E10 Atoms / cm2")}),
Dispatch({}, "Oneway Plot", FrameBox,),
Dispatch({}, "Means Comparisons", OutlineBox, {Close(1)})
Template_CAP = Expr(
CAP01 =
Continuous Distribution(
Horizontal Layout(1),
Capability Analysis(USL(Eval(Limit_UCL)))),
Where(:PARAMETER_ID == Eval(TargetParameter) & :Status == "1) POR"),
Dispatch({},"Distributions",OutlineBox,{Set Title( TargetParameter )}),
Dispatch({"Distribution 1) POR", "PARAMETER_VALUE"},"1",ScaleBox,{Format("Fixed Dec", 15, 3), Min(0), Max(2), Inc(0.2),Minor Ticks(1), Label Row Nesting(1)}),
Dispatch({"Distributions", "PARAMETER_VALUE"},"Distrib Histogram",FrameBox,{DispatchSeg(LabelSeg(1), {Font("Tw Cen MT", 7, "Plain")})}),
Dispatch({"Distributions", "PARAMETER_VALUE", "Capability Analysis", " Long Term Sigma"}, "1", ScaleBox, {Format("Fixed Dec", 9, 3), Min(-2), Max(2), Inc(0.5), Minor Ticks(0), Label Row Nesting(1)})