I didn't look at all your code. But regarding 'I can't seem to find out a way to initially populate the any number edit box with the current spec limits listed in the column property.', this old code might help:
// ian.cox@jmp.com: 02Jun2005
// ******************************************************************************************
// Given a column reference, returns the spec limits in a vector, [lower, upper, target]:
// If a limit is not defined it is returned as .
// ******************************************************************************************
getSpecs = Function({col}, {Default Local},
// Note that the number of arguments in slp below can change! It can be 0 (if the
// property is not even defined) or 1, 2 or 3
slp = col << GetProperty("Spec Limits");
// Assume that nothing is defined . . .
l = .; u = .; t = .;
// Find out what is defined . . .
for(i=1, i<=NArg(slp), i++,
thisExpr = Arg(slp, i);
sType = Char(Head(thisExpr));
if (
sType == "LSL", l = Arg(thisExpr, 1),
sType == "USL", u = Arg(thisExpr, 1),
sType == "Target", t = Arg(thisExpr, 1)
Matrix({l, u, t})
dt = Open("$SAMPLE_DATA/Semiconductor Capability.jmp");
someSpecs = getSpecs(Column(dt, "NPN1"));
nw =
NewWindow("Edit Spec Limits",
lsBox = TextEditBox(someSpecs[1]),
usBox = TextEditBox(someSpecs[2]),
tarBox = TextEditBox(someSpecs[3])