Hi @RvEDelft,
Welcome in the Community !
Just briefly looking at your problem, did you try to check the other analysis available under the "Measures of Association Report" (accessible when clicking on the red triangle) ? It depends about what is your question, but there are numerous other options, and some already take into account dataset size : Measures of Association Report (jmp.com)
One example is provided with nominal variables like yours here : Example of the Measures of Association Option (jmp.com) where the Lambda and Uncertainty measures are used to help making a decision (in general, to know how much variation from Y can be explained by variation from X).
When using your dataset and the frequency columns in low and high levels, you can see that Lambda and Uncertainty measures are not changed based on dataset size/frequency of values.
I don't know your topic and objective and I'm not an expert concerning these statistical tests, but litterature on this topic can be found on internet.
I hope this first answer may help you,
"It is not unusual for a well-designed experiment to analyze itself" (Box, Hunter and Hunter)