It is also fine to insert--in line--expressions resulting from substitutions, character conversions, etc. As ever, this is a balancing act between ease of interpretation/maintenance and conciseness. In the example below I've done this to illustrate.
Expression handling is not the easiest thing to learn (or teach). It is quite powerful though, and as you mention, allows you to keep the color-coded text that makes maintenance easier.
Names Default To Here( 1 );
dt = Open("$Sample_data/");
colList = {R_FUSE_16X0_5, VDP_PEMIT, "30P1_4X4_VBE"n, RM_RPB_100X7, "30N4_LE8_2RX1C_BVCBS"n}; //assume we've built this, somehow
gbExpr = Expr(
gb = Graph Builder(
Size( 838, 391 ),
_VAR_EXP_, // placeholder for Variables ( ) code.
Elements( _LINE_EXP_ ), // placeholder for Line ( ) code.
Local Data Filter( Add Filter( columns( :DELL_RPPBR ), Where( :DELL_RPPBR >= -1 & :DELL_RPPBR <= 0.483837991952896 ) ) )
varExpr = Expr( Variables( X( :DELL_RPPBR ) ) ); //Loop will insert into the last (default) position
lineExpr = Expr( Line( X, Legend( 1 ) ) ); //Loop will insert into the i+1th position
For( i = 1, i <= N Items( colList ), i++, //note we're inserting the result of a substitute ( ) in each case
Insert Into( varExpr, Substitute( Expr( Y( Column( _COL_ ), Position( 1 ) ) ), Expr( _COL_ ), Char( colList[i] ) ) );
Insert Into( lineExpr, Substitute( Expr( Y( _i_ ) ), Expr( _i_ ), i ), i + 1 );
Substitute Into( gbExpr, Expr( _VAR_EXP_ ), Name Expr( varExpr ), Expr( _LINE_EXP_ ), Name Expr( lineExpr ) );
gbExpr; //evaluate the (now completely built) expression to show graph