My colleague upgraded from JMP11 to JMP14.0.0 and we noticed some differences with CDF (from Bivariate plot) customization.
1. We can't change the line style by right clicking graph and selecting "Customize...". There is GUI for changing it but even if we click "Apply" or "OK", it is not applied. The only way to change the line style is to click on the legend itself.x
2. The more important one. I cannot copy the line styles when I click Edit>Copy Customizations. This is quite important since I have a script (see below) that applies dashes based on grouping column. I then copy and paste it to all graphs.
Is there a way to get around this in JMP14? Without this feature, I am not sure how to automate the line style customization in CDF plots.
"/*JMPType:CustomizationsScript*/{Frame Size(220, 170), Line Width Scale(3),";
Summarize( A = by( groupcol ) );
B = groupcol << get property( value ordering );
If( Is Empty( B ), GroupList = A, GroupList = B);
Show( GroupList );
For( i = 1, i <= N Items( GroupList ), i++,
Left(Right( GroupList[i], 4 ), 1 ) == "_+", CDFStyle = "Dashed",
Left(Right( GroupList[i], 4 ), 1 ) == "-",CDFStyle = "DashDotDot",
CDFcode = CDFcode || "DispatchSeg(LinesSeg(" || Char( i ) ||"), {Line Style(\!"" || CDFStyle || "\!")}),";
CDFcode = Substr( CDFcode, 1, Length( CDFcode ) - 1 ) || "}";
Write( "" );
Write( "" || CDFcode );
Write( "" );
Caption( "Done! Check log." );
Thanks a lot,