The only way I know new how to do this is by adding in the error bars using the graphic primitives available in JSL.
@Florian_Vogt has provided a pointer to how to do the custom error bars in his response. His response is the correct way to handle the issue.
Below is a very simple example, using very basic structured code to illustrate what is going on how to add graphic elements to an existing graph. It is a good technique to know about, but not the correct answer to this Discussion Question unless you are using JMP 13 or earlier.
Names Default To Here( 1 );
dt =
// Open Data Table: Big
// → Data Table( "Big Class" )
Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big" );
dt:age << modeling type( continuous );
gb = Graph Builder(
Size( 528, 450 ),
Show Control Panel( 0 ),
Variables( X( :age ), Y( :height ), Overlay( :sex ) ),
Elements( Line( X, Y, Legend( 4 ), Error Interval( "None" ) ) )
dtSum = dt << Summary(
Group( :sex, :age ),
Mean( :height ),
Std Dev( :height ),
Freq( "None" ),
Weight( "None" ),
statistics column name format( "stat" ),
Link to original data table( 0 )
sexList = dtSum:sex << get values;
ageMat = dtSum:age << get values;
meanMat = dtSum:Mean << get values;
stdMat = dtSum:Std Dev << get values;
close( dtSum, nosave );
gbf = Report( gb )[FrameBox( 1 )];
gbf << add graphics script(
ls = {0, 0};
le = {0, 0};
For Each( {row, i }, ageMat,
If( sexList[i] == "F",
Pen Color( "Blue" ),
Pen Color( "red" )
Pen Size( 1 );
ls[1] = ageMat[i];
ls[2] = meanMat[i] - 3 * stdMat[i];
if(ls[2]<ymin, ymin=ls[2]);
le[1] = agemat[i];
le[2] = meanMat[i] + 3 * StdMat[i];
if(le[2]>ymax, ymax=le[2]);
Line( ls, le );
// bottom line
ls[1] = ageMat[i] - .1;
le[1] = ageMat[i] + .1;
ls[2] = meanMat[i] - 3 * stdMat[i];
le[2] = meanMat[i] - 3 * StdMat[i];
Line( ls, le );
// bottom line
ls[2] = meanMat[i] + 3 * StdMat[i];
le[2] = meanMat[i] + 3 * StdMat[i];
Line( ls, le );
// Set the Y axis to max and min range
report(gb)[AxisBox(2)] << Max( ymax ) << Min(ymin);