我想使用 JSL 将选定的行保存在 csv 或 jmp 文件中。 但我无法做到这一点 谁能告诉我如何做到这一点?
f = Function( {a},
theRows = Current Data Table() << get selected rows;
Show( theRows );
rs = Current Data Table() << make row state handler( f );
filepath = "C:\Users\abc\Desktop\trial";
rs << save( filepath || "\" || "part1.jmp" );
这篇帖子最初是用 English (US) 书写的,已做计算机翻译处理。当您回复时,文字也会被翻译成 English (US)。
我在上次回复中提供的 JSL 中犯了一个错误。从那以后,我更正了我的回答。
在此回复中,我扩展了您提供的 JSL,并提供了一个完整的示例,该示例将在每次指定新的 Select Rows 时保存子集表。
当 Partition() 窗口关闭时,行状态处理程序也被消除。
Names Default To Here( 1 );
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA\semiconductor capability.jmp" );
tableCount = 0;
theRows = [];
f = Function( {a},
// Set dupRows to the previously selected rows
dupRows = theRows;
// Get the current selected rows
theRows = Current Data Table() << get selected rows;
If( N Rows( theRows ) > 0,
// check to see if there are the same number of rows and if yes
// then validate the rows are different rows before saving
If( N Rows( theRows ) == N Rows( dupRows ),
If( Sum( dupRows == theRows ) != N Rows( theRows ),
dtTemp = dt << subset( invisible, selected rows( 1 ), selected columns( 0 ) );
filepath = "$TEMP";
save( filepath || "\" || "part" || Char( tableCount ) || ".jmp" )
Current Data Table( dt );
// If not the same number of selected rows, save the subset
Show( tableCount );
dtTemp = dt << subset( invisible, selected rows( 1 ), selected columns( 0 ) );
filepath = "$TEMP";
Close( dtTemp, save( filepath || "\" || "part" || Char( tableCount ) || ".jmp" ) );
Current Data Table( dt );
rs = Current Data Table() << make row state handler( f );
obj = Partition(
Y( :NPN1 ),
X( :PNP1, :PNP2, :PNP3, :PNP4, :NPN2, :NPN3, :NPN4 ),
Method( "Decision Tree" ),
Validation Portion( .2 )
obj << ShowGraph( 0 );
obj << SplitBest( 4 );
obj << Show Split Count( 1 );
obj << Show Split Prob( 1 );
Wait( .5 );
//obj << Save Predicteds;
obj << on close( Clear Symbols( rs ) );
有很多方法可以处理这个问题。我假设您将在之前的讨论中将此 JSL 与 Partition() 平台一起使用,这就是我接近解决方案的方式
f = Function( {a},
theRows = Current Data Table() << get selected rows;
Show( theRows );
rs = Current Data Table() << make row state handler( f );
filepath = "C:\Users\abc\Desktop\trial";
rs << save( filepath || "\" || "part1.jmp" );
这篇帖子最初是用 English (US) 书写的,已做计算机翻译处理。当您回复时,文字也会被翻译成 English (US)。
这篇帖子最初是用 English (US) 书写的,已做计算机翻译处理。当您回复时,文字也会被翻译成 English (US)。
可能是这个小例子展示了如何处理,当分区关闭时,它将从分区平台中选择的行保存在一个表中。 但正如吉姆所说:很多方法!
Names Default To Here( 1 );
// opens partition platform on Big Class data table
// when rows are selected, and platform is closed, selected rows are saved in separate data table
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA\Big Class.jmp" );
obj = Partition( Y( :weight ), X( :sex, :height ), Method( "Decision Tree" ), Validation Portion( .2 ) );
obj << split best();
// When partition window is closed do this:
obj << on close(
If( N Items( dt << get selected rows() ) > 0,
dtTemp = dt << subset( invisible, selected rows( 1 ), selected columns( 0 ) );
filepath = "$TEMP";
Close( dttemp, save( filepath || "\" || "part1.jmp" ) );
// open file again
Open( filepath || "\" || "part1.jmp" );
这篇帖子最初是用 English (US) 书写的,已做计算机翻译处理。当您回复时,文字也会被翻译成 English (US)。
我在上次回复中提供的 JSL 中犯了一个错误。从那以后,我更正了我的回答。
在此回复中,我扩展了您提供的 JSL,并提供了一个完整的示例,该示例将在每次指定新的 Select Rows 时保存子集表。
当 Partition() 窗口关闭时,行状态处理程序也被消除。
Names Default To Here( 1 );
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA\semiconductor capability.jmp" );
tableCount = 0;
theRows = [];
f = Function( {a},
// Set dupRows to the previously selected rows
dupRows = theRows;
// Get the current selected rows
theRows = Current Data Table() << get selected rows;
If( N Rows( theRows ) > 0,
// check to see if there are the same number of rows and if yes
// then validate the rows are different rows before saving
If( N Rows( theRows ) == N Rows( dupRows ),
If( Sum( dupRows == theRows ) != N Rows( theRows ),
dtTemp = dt << subset( invisible, selected rows( 1 ), selected columns( 0 ) );
filepath = "$TEMP";
save( filepath || "\" || "part" || Char( tableCount ) || ".jmp" )
Current Data Table( dt );
// If not the same number of selected rows, save the subset
Show( tableCount );
dtTemp = dt << subset( invisible, selected rows( 1 ), selected columns( 0 ) );
filepath = "$TEMP";
Close( dtTemp, save( filepath || "\" || "part" || Char( tableCount ) || ".jmp" ) );
Current Data Table( dt );
rs = Current Data Table() << make row state handler( f );
obj = Partition(
Y( :NPN1 ),
X( :PNP1, :PNP2, :PNP3, :PNP4, :NPN2, :NPN3, :NPN4 ),
Method( "Decision Tree" ),
Validation Portion( .2 )
obj << ShowGraph( 0 );
obj << SplitBest( 4 );
obj << Show Split Count( 1 );
obj << Show Split Prob( 1 );
Wait( .5 );
//obj << Save Predicteds;
obj << on close( Clear Symbols( rs ) );
这篇帖子最初是用 English (US) 书写的,已做计算机翻译处理。当您回复时,文字也会被翻译成 English (US)。