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Automation of Reports for PowerPoint Templates with JMP 15

Hi all,

I run weekly reports on physiochemical attributes. The old process was to manually input data from excel into JMP. After entering the new data into JMP two scripts are run: Run Chart and Control Chart scripts, that are saved to the Data Table. These scripts have limits of precision and formatting applied (or saved into the scripts). Then the charts are copy & pasted one by one into a PowerPoint presentation. 

I was wondering can this process be automated? 

I have added a script that allows me to automatically update the Data Table. 


I would love to be able to simply generate the PowerPoint presentation with just a click of a button instead of having to copy and paste each graph into the report.

Every script I have attempted always lets me down.


I would like to know if anyone could point me in the right direction or if this can even be done (see below).

In my head I would like -
1. A script to update the data table ( I have achieved already)
2. Run scripts for Run Charts and Control Charts so I can update the x axis (drag new data in and drag the old data off the x-axis. Then save the updated graphs

3. Add a final script that would automatically add the updated Run Charts and Control Charts to a formatted PowerPoint presentation.

Thanks for any advice.


Re: Automation of Reports for PowerPoint Templates with JMP 15

maybe try doing it like this?


JMP Systems Engineer, Health and Life Sciences (Pharma)