Dan and Mark have both answered this but in the spirit of the discussion I just wanted to provide some slightly different language.
You have two models red and blue and you have asked if the two models are statistically significant.
So first we have to think about what you mean by that question.
The models could differ in that the red and blue lines have different slopes. Clearly the slopes are slightly different, but is the difference statistically significant? To answer that question we build a model that contains an interaction term, what I think Dan has referred to as X*Color. This term allows the effect of X to depend on the colour.
(As a side note, addressed by Dan, in order to have X and Color in the model we have to have these data represented as column variables, hence the need to stack the data).
Once I have a model with an X*Color term then I can check to see whether that parameter estimate is statistically signicant.
The two lines can also be offset from each other (i.e. in addition to checking whether slope depends on Color we can check to see whether the intercept depends on Color). For this the model needs a term for Color (as well as X). Ultimately then the model we want to build is:
Y = b0 + b1.X + b2.Color + b3.X*Color
the p-value for b3 tells us whether or not the difference in slopes is statistically significant between colours; the p-value for b2 tells us whether the difference in intercepts is statistically significant.
You might also want to do a google search for "analysis of covariance"