I prefer ini/config files over JSON in simple cases because they are usually easier to read and edit directly from the file (be this either good or bad thing) and when I did work with LabVIEW the format got familiar configuration files VI.
Currently thinking how I would handle fairly simple configuration files in few of my scripts. I will have to play around with just using .jsl or json/.ini files.
Names Default To Here(1);
read_ini_file = function({ini_str}, {Default Local},
aa_ini = Associative Array();
cur_key = "";
For Each({line}, Words(ini_str, "\!N"),
If(Ends With(line, "]") & Starts With(line, "["),
new_key = Word(1, line, "[]");
aa_ini[Word(1, line, "[]")] = Associative Array();
cur_key = new_key;
{key, value} = Words(line, "=");
//string conversion.. expect everything to be numbers and then try to convert
new_value = If(Is Missing(Num(value)),
aa_ini[cur_key][Trim(key)] = new_value;
aa_to_ini = function({aa_section}, {Default Local},
ini_str = "";
section = "\!N[^key_section^]\!N";
key_value = "^key^=^value^\!N";
For Each({{key_section, value_section}}, aa_section,
ini_str ||= Eval Insert(section);
For Each({{key, value}}, value_section,
ini_str ||= Eval Insert(key_value);
return(Trim Whitespace(ini_str,left));
config_file = "[Thing1]
x=DifferentString with space
aa_test = read_ini_file(config_file);
back_to_ini = aa_to_ini(aa_test);
//back_to_ini == config_file;
//aa_test == read_ini_file(back_to_ini)
//Save Text File("$TEMP/DeleteMe.txt", back_to_ini);
//config_file = Load Text File("$TEMP/DeleteMe.txt");
//aa_test == read_ini_file(back_to_ini);