Hi @markschwab ,
You are using the code as intended, I had just made some guesses that weren't generic enough to work under any circumstance. I thought you had a validation column, and so scripted it to run with one. the updated script below works around that by letting you input the validation portion, just like in the partition platform window. But, don't use both a validation column and a validation portion -- the script hasn't been coded yet to account for that and is again, not fully generic enough for all possible user inputs.
As for the error that you were getting, it was again because I assumed that there was more than one X factor in the process and therefore, scripted the reference to the report window accordingly. That is now fixed so that it doesn't matter if there's only 1 X or multiple X's.
Again, this script is not completely generic enough to account for non-numeric/non-continuous response column, Y. If the response is categorical, this script is not designed to account for that. It can easily be modified to do so if need be.
Hope this helps,
UPDATE: Ok, so I couldn't help myself to code more and I included some penalized RSquare columns and a training-validation RSquare column. You can change the formula and the coefficient of the penalized calculation by editing the code -- I set it to your concept of Rsquare-0.05*Splits. In addition to that, I also included some code to graphically display the results when done running the calculations.
UPDATE 2: I went back and made the code a little more fun -- Now you can see the table results alongside the graph results and by selecting the point on the graph you like best, you can then re-run the partition for that specific number of splits when you click "OK". As before, I haven't made it super-generic for any kind of user input, but tried to make it work for numeric/continuous responses. What you now have should be enough to get you going.
P.S. As you learn the code, use the Scripting Index in JMP's Help menu. It's very helpful in understanding some of the calls and how to use them when scripting.
Names Default To Here( 1 );
lbWidth = 168;
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Boston Housing.jmp" );
// Expression to store the current settings in global variables
recallRolesS1 = Expr(
::dtchosenRecall = dtchosen
// Expression to clear all current settings. KW: Clear
clearRoles = Expr(
colListY << RemoveAll;
ColListX << RemoveAll;
ColListW << RemoveAll;
ColListF << RemoveAll;
colListV << RemoveAll;
// Expression to store the current settings in global variables
recallRoles = Expr(
::ycolRecall = colListY << GetItems;
::xcolRecall = colListX << GetItems;
::WcolRecall = colListW << GetItems;
::FcolRecall = colListF << GetItems;
::vcolRecall = colListV << GetItems;
::max_spRecall = max_sp_input << get;
::partVPRecall = partVP_input << Get;
//Function to choose the data table to model. KW: choose_data
choose_data_table = Function( {},
list = {};
For( i = 1, i <= N Table(), i++,
list[i] = Data Table( i ) << get name
win = New Window( "Select a data table",
hb = H List Box(
Panel Box( "Choose a data table", dt = List Box( list, max selected( 1 ), dtchosen = Data Table( (dt << get selected)[1] ) ) ),
Close(dt_results, No Save);
str = Eval Insert(
"report = (dtchosen<<Partition(
Informative Missing(1),
Split Best(^NPCs_num^),
Validation Portion(^partVP^),
Split History(1)
Eval( Parse( str ) );
Part_TB = Expr(
Part_TBWin = New Window( "Select the Best split to re-run",
<<Return Result,
<<On Validate,
Outline Box( "Partitioning Results (Select the best to re-run))",
H List Box(
N Items( vcols ) == 1 | (N Items( vcols ) == 0 & Is Missing( PartVP ) == 0),
part_gb = Graph Builder(
Size( 579, 417 ),
Show Control Panel( 0 ),
X( :Splits ),
Y( :Training RSquare ),
Y( :Validation RSquare, Position( 1 ) ),
Y( :RSquare Diff ),
Y( :Penalized Valid RSquare, Position( 2 ) )
Elements( Position( 1, 1 ), Line( X, Y( 1 ), Y( 2 ), Legend( 12 ) ), Points( X, Y( 1 ), Y( 2 ), Legend( 14 ) ) ),
Elements( Position( 1, 2 ), Line( X, Y( 1 ), Y( 2 ), Legend( 13 ) ), Points( X, Y( 1 ), Y( 2 ), Legend( 15 ) ) ),
"graph title",
{Set Text( "Training & Validation RSquare / RSquare Diff & Penalized Valid RSquare vs. Splits" )}
N Items( vcols ) == 0 & Is Missing( PartVP ) == 1,
part_gb = Graph Builder(
Size( 531, 456 ),
Show Control Panel( 0 ),
Variables( X( :Splits ), Y( :Training RSquare ), Y( :Penalized Train RSquare ) ),
Elements( Position( 1, 1 ), Line( X, Y, Legend( 7 ) ), Points( X, Y, Legend( 9 ) ) ),
Elements( Position( 1, 2 ), Line( X, Y, Legend( 8 ) ), Points( X, Y, Legend( 11 ) ) )
dt_tb = dt_results << Get As Report(),
Panel Box( "Action",
Lineup Box( N Col( 1 ),
Text Box( "Re-run Partion", <<Justify Text( "Center" ) ),
Button Box( "OK",
NPCs=dt_results<<Get selected rows();
Part_TBWin << Close Window;
Button Box( "Cancel", Part_TBWin << Close Window ),
Spacer Box( Size( 0, 8 ) ),
Button Box( "Relaunch",
Part_TBWin << Close Window;
Spacer Box( Size( 0, 8 ) ),
Button Box( "Help", Web( "https://www.jmp.com/en_ch/support/online-help-search.html?q=*%3A*" ) )
Part = Expr(
N Items( vcols ) == 1,
dt_results = New Table( "Partition_Results",
Add Rows( max_sp ),
New Column( "Splits", Numeric, Continuous ),
New Column( "Training RSquare", Numeric, Continuous ),
New Column( "Validation RSquare", Numeric, Continuous ),
New Column( "Training RASE", Numeric, Continuous ),
New Column( "Validation RASE", Numeric, Continuous ),
New Column( "Training N", Numeric, Continuous ),
New Column( "Validation N", Numeric, Continuous ),
New Column( "RSquare Diff", Numeric, Continuous, Formula( "Training RSquare"n - "Validation RSquare"n ) ),
New Column( "Penalized Valid RSquare", Numeric, Continuous, Formula( "Training RSquare"n - 0.05 * "Splits"n ) )
N Items( vcols ) == 0 & Is Missing( partVP ) == 0,
dt_results = New Table( "Partition_Results",
Add Rows( max_sp ),
New Column( "Splits", Numeric, Continuous ),
New Column( "Training RSquare", Numeric, Continuous ),
New Column( "Validation RSquare", Numeric, Continuous ),
New Column( "Training RASE", Numeric, Continuous ),
New Column( "Validation RASE", Numeric, Continuous ),
New Column( "Training N", Numeric, Continuous ),
New Column( "Validation N", Numeric, Continuous ),
New Column( "RSquare Diff", Numeric, Continuous, Formula( "Training RSquare"n - "Validation RSquare"n ) ),
New Column( "Penalized Valid RSquare", Numeric, Continuous, Formula( "Validation RSquare"n - 0.05 * "Splits"n ) )
N Items( vcols ) == 0,
dt_results = New Table( "Partition_Results",
Add Rows( max_sp ),
New Column( "Splits", Numeric, Continuous ),
New Column( "Training RSquare", Numeric, Continuous ),
New Column( "Training RASE", Numeric, Continuous ),
New Column( "Training N", Numeric, Continuous ),
New Column( "Penalized Train RSquare", Numeric, Continuous, Formula( "Training RSquare"n - 0.05 * "Splits"n ) )
For( i = 1, i <= max_sp, i++,
dt_results:"Splits"n[i] = i
dt_name = dtchosen << Get Name;
For( i = 1, i <= N Rows( dt_results ), i++,
Psplit = dt_results:"Splits"n[i];
str = Eval Insert(
"report = (dtchosen<<Partition(
Informative Missing(1),
Split Best(^Psplit^),
Validation Portion(^partVP^),
Eval( Parse( str ) );
partWinName = Report << Get Window Title;
w = Window( partWinName );
RSq_mat = w[Outline Box( "Partition for " || ycols[1] )][Table Box( 1 )] << Get As matrix;
N Items( vcols ) == 1,
dt_results:"Training RSquare"n[i] = RSq_mat[1];
dt_results:"Training RASE"n[i] = RSq_mat[2];
dt_results:"Training N"n[i] = RSq_mat[3];
dt_results:"Validation RSquare"n[i] = RSq_mat[2, 1];
dt_results:"Validation RASE"n[i] = RSq_mat[2, 2];
dt_results:"Validation N"n[i] = RSq_mat[2, 3];,
N Items( vcols ) == 0 & Is Missing( PartVP ) == 0,
dt_results:"Training RSquare"n[i] = RSq_mat[1];
dt_results:"Training RASE"n[i] = RSq_mat[2];
dt_results:"Training N"n[i] = RSq_mat[3];
dt_results:"Validation RSquare"n[i] = RSq_mat[2, 1];
dt_results:"Validation RASE"n[i] = RSq_mat[2, 2];
dt_results:"Validation N"n[i] = RSq_mat[2, 3];,
N Items( vcols ) == 0,
dt_results:"Training RSquare"n[i] = RSq_mat[1];
dt_results:"Training RASE"n[i] = RSq_mat[2];
dt_results:"Training N"n[i] = RSq_mat[3];
Report << CloseWindow;
AutoPart = Expr(
Partwin = New Window( "",
<<Return Result,
<<On Validate,
Border Box( Left( 3 ), Top( 2 ),
Outline Box( "JSL to help with Partitioning",
<<Set Font Size( 12 ),
V List Box(
H List Box(
Panel Box( "Select Columns",
V List Box( colListData = Col List Box( dtchosen, All, Grouped, width( lbWidth ), nLines( 12 ) ) ),
Spacer Box( Size( 0, 16 ) )
Panel Box( "Cast Selected Columns into Roles",
Lineup Box( N Col( 2 ), Spacing( 3, 2 ),
Button Box( "Y, Response", colListY << Append( colListData << GetSelected ) ),
colListY = Col List Box( width( lbWidth + 40 ), nLines( 4 ), Min Items( 1 ) ),
Button Box( "X, Factor", colListX << Append( colListData << GetSelected ) ),
colListX = Col List Box( width( lbWidth ), nLines( 4 ), Min Items( 1 ) ),
Button Box( "Weight", colListW << Append( colListData << GetSelected ) ),
colListW = Col List Box(
width( lbWidth ),
Max Selected( 1 ),
Max Items( 1 ),
nLines( 1 ),
<<Set Data Type( "Numeric" )
Button Box( "Freq", colListF << Append( colListData << GetSelected ) ),
colListF = Col List Box(
width( lbWidth ),
Max Selected( 1 ),
Max Items( 1 ),
nLines( 1 ),
<<Set Data Type( "Numeric" )
Button Box( "Validation", colListV << Append( colListData << GetSelected ) ),
colListV = Col List Box(
width( lbWidth ),
nLines( 1 ),
Max Selected( 1 ),
Max Items( 1 ),
<<Set Data Type( "Numeric" ),
Panel Box( "Action",
Lineup Box( N Col( 1 ),
Button Box( "OK",
max_sp = max_sp_input << get;
partVP = partVP_input << Get;
ycols = ColListY << Get Items;
xcols = ColListX << Get Items;
Wcols = ColListX << Get Items;
Fcols = ColListF << Get Items;
vcols = ColListV << Get items;
Partwin << Close Window;
Button Box( "Cancel", Partwin << Close Window ),
Spacer Box( Size( 0, 22 ) ),
Button Box( "Remove",
colListY << RemoveSelected;
colListX << RemoveSelected;
colListW << RemoveSelected;
colListF << RemoveSelected;
colListV << RemoveSelected;
Button Box( "Recall",
colListY << Append( ::ycolRecall );
colListX << Append( ::xcolRecall );
colListW << Append( ::WcolRecall );
colListF << Append( ::FcolRecall );
colListV << Append( ::vcolRecall );
max_sp_input << Set( ::max_spRecall );
partVP_input << Set( ::partVPRecall );
Button Box( "Relaunch",
Partwin << Close Window;
Spacer Box( Size( 0, 22 ) ),
Button Box( "Help", Web( "https://www.jmp.com/en_ch/support/online-help-search.html?q=*%3A*" ) )
H List Box(
Panel Box( "Max partition splits", max_sp_input = Number Edit Box( 20, 6 ) ),
Panel Box( "Validation Portion (if no validation column)", partVP_input = Number Edit Box( ., 6 ) )
//Interactive dialogue window to start Generalized Tuning
FirstWin = Expr(
AutoTuneDlg1 = New Window( "Partioning Automation",
<<Return Result,
<<On Validate,
Border Box( Left( 3 ), top( 2 ),
Outline Box( "Something to help simplify partitioning",
<<Set Font Size( 12 ),
H List Box(
V List Box(
Panel Box( "Select Data Table",
H List Box( Button Box( "Select Data Table", choose_data_table ), Spacer Box( Size( 100, 0 ) ) )
Panel Box( "Action",
Lineup Box( N Col( 1 ),
Button Box( "OK",
AutoTuneDlg1 << Close Window;
Button Box( "Cancel", AutoTuneDlg1 << Close Window ),
Spacer Box( Size( 0, 25 ) ),
Button Box( "Recall",
MMObj << Set( ::MMObjRecall );
Try( dtchosen = ::dtchosenRecall );
Button Box( "Help", Web( "https://www.jmp.com/en_ch/support/online-help-search.html?q=*%3A*" ) )