Hey all!
I'm working on some P-charts and I would like to add a legend. First thing I notice is that I can't "click my way" to adding one to a chart. I've tried forcing my script to add it, and that results in an error (as expected).
Any ideas how I can add a legend? I suspect it will involve more advanced scripting techniques, but I'm open :).
Example Script:
asdf = Current Data Table() << Control Chart(
Sample Label( :week ),
Sample Size( :units ),
KSigma( 3 ),
Chart Col( :Blah, P ),
By( :stuff )
Report(asdf)[Frame Box(1)] << Row Legend (:week, color(1), marker(1));
Send Expects Scriptable Object in access or evaluation of 'Send' , Report( asdf )[Frame Box( 1 )] << Row Legend( :week, color( 1 ), Marker( 1 ) )