Hi @J_Bonnouvrier1
could you please give us more information? if you want the numbers on the side of the graph you can follow this picture using the graph builder.

otherwise, if you want it on the axis you can add a reference line by right clicking on the axis>>axis settings.
Best practice is doing this once manually and if needed generalizing the script for future use.
you can see this as an example:
Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big Class.jmp" );
dis = Distribution( Continuous Distribution( Column( :height ), Vertical( 0 ) ), );
reportdis = dis << Report;
M = reportdis["Distributions", Number Col Box( 2 )][1];
SD = reportdis["Distributions", Number Col Box( 2 )][2];
dis << SendToReport(
"Distrib Histogram",
Add Text Annotation(
"Mean = " || Char( Round( M, 2 ) ) || "
SD = " || Char( Round( SD, 2 ) ),
Fixed Size( 0 ),
Text Box( {0, 0, 65, 65} ),
Filled( 0 )
{Add Ref Line(
"Medium Dark Red",
Char( M ),
Label Settings( {Label Color( "Medium Dark Red" ), Label Position( "Inside Above" )} )
Otherwise there are many ways to present the mean in a distrinution, including binning the histogram using different units as in this link: https://community.jmp.com/t5/JMP-Add-Ins/2D-Histograms/ta-p/377945
this addin allows you to use SD as bins so all is focused on the mean.
Let us know if this helps.