I have two questions regarding running an ANOVA in JMP. I have run an experiment with three factors, each of which has two levels. Say Factor A, Factor B, Factor C. And then for each - either level 'high' or level 'low'. That gives me a total of 8 treatment groups. I also included a control group that did not receive any of these treatments.
So an example is that participants from group no. 1 would get no treatment (control), participants from group 2 would get this treatment: Factor A = low, Factor = B, low, Factor = C high, and partipants from group 3 would get this treatment: Factor A = high, Factor = B, low, Factor = C high etc.
My hypotheses are currently of the following kind:
1) Treatment is better than control
2) For Factor A, high is better than low
3) For Factor B, high is better than low
4) For Factor A, high is better than low
1) My first question is regarding the coding of the data. I read this post https://www.jmp.com/support/help/14/coding-for-nominal-effects.shtml#1047389
- which gives me the impression that I should code my treatments as -1, 0, and 1 in order for JMP to run the ANOVA. Is that correct? Currently, I have a column for each factor where I used the numbers 0,1,2 to denote 'control', 'low', 'high'. But should I recode that into -1 (control), 0 (low), 1 (high)???
2) My next question is how I practically include the control group in the ANOVA. Should it be included as a 'level' of each of the three factors or as a seperate factor? If so, what are the levels of such a "control" factor? Currently, i have coded the data so the control condition is included as a level for each of the three factors. But JMP does not seem to like this (I get a lot of weird text as output) - maybe that's due to the current 0,1,2 coding? Or should the control group be entered as a fourth factor? If so, should that column then be coded as control vs. non-control? Or as group number 1-9? I hope this makes sense!
I would highly appreciate any input here ! :)