Thank you all for your help. I would like to summarize here, just so there is a record for future JMP explorers.
I was trying to find a way to quickly determine all the R Squared values of one term vs many terms, up to ~100,000 terms.
In my trial I was fitting 2,000 terms, using an HP EliteBook with Windows 7, 64-bit Operating System, Intel Core i5-4300U CPU @190 GHz 2.50 Ghz, 16 GB RAM.
My original method of either 1) looping a bivariate fit and reading the R squared from the display tree, or 2) brute forcing calculations, both took ~ 37 sec on my laptop. That's ~ 30 minutes for 100,000 terms! And want to do this for more than one response term!
The method of using the Multivariate platform consumed all my computers resources for ~ 15 minutes and then crashed due to insufficient memory. Don't try this at home.
The method on using Response Screening from KarenC took 1 sec! This is clearly the solution. I marked a response from mikedriscoll as the Solution only because he summarizes the discussion and he shows the code to use.
To be complete, here is the code I used in the end.
dt is my original table of data.
resp is a character string naming the y column of interest.
fact is a list of character strings naming the x columns of interest.
dt1 = dt << Response Screening(Y(column(resp)), X(eval(fact)));
// Note: This is not a normal table and JMP will not recognize dt1 as a table
// The 'table' is called "Pvalues". Hopefully you don't already have a table of that name.
// Of course you can write more code to make this error proof.
// To immediately move this information to a normal JMP table I took a subset.
dt2 = Data Table( "PValues" ) << Subset( All rows, Selected columns only( 0 ) );
// Now I can do other things, like ...
dt2 << Sort( By( :RSquare ), Order( Descending ), Replace Table );
rsq = dt2:RSquare<< get as matrix;