It can download with VBA
Sub test()
Dim userAgent, params, url, json, res, x, y, arr(20001, 1 To 10)
pp={"query": "{searchByIDs(price:{from:1000, to:5000000} shapeID:[7] carat:{from:0.05, to:30} page:{count:100, size:1, number:1} depth:{from:46, to:78} tableSize:{from:52, to:80} color:{from: 1 to: 13} cut:{from: 0 to: 4} clarity:{from: 1 to: 9} isLabDiamond:false shippingDays:999 ) {total hits pageNumber numberOfPages items { categories productID sku productType generalType isExpressShipping galleryUrl title description itemID sku shippingDate shippingDates{ shippingDate { date byValentines byNewYears byXmas isFastShipping } invShippingDate { date byValentines byNewYears byXmas isFastShipping }} isFirmShipping price salePrice originalPrice url metaTitle metaDescription targetSite status { id name } stone { simpleColor species variety treatment ratio isTrueHearts isGemstonePair fancyColorOvertone measurements measureLength measureWidth isLabDiamond isArgyle carat shape { id name } color { id name isFancy} cut { id name} clarity { id name} lab { id name} flour { id name fullName } symmetry { id name fullName } polish { id name fullName } colorIntensity { id name } depth tableSize}}}}"}
url = ""
With CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
.Open "Post", url, False
.SetRequestHeader "content-type", "application/json"
.Send pp
Set json = JsonConverter.ParseJson(.Responsetext)
Set res = json("data")("searchByIDs")("items")
arr(y, 1) = "sku"
arr(y, 2) = "price"
arr(y, 3) = "salePrice"
arr(y, 4) = "originalPrice"
arr(y, 5) = "title"
For Each x In res
y = y + 1
arr(y, 1) = x(1)("sku")
arr(y, 2) = x(1)("price")
arr(y, 3) = x(1)("salePrice")
arr(y, 4) = x(1)("originalPrice")
arr(y, 5) = x(1)("title")
End With
Sheet2.Range("A1").Resize(20001, 10) = arr
End Sub