Level: Beginner
Job Function: Analyst / Scientist / Engineer
Mike Muhlada, JMP Senior Test Engineer, SAS
Audrey Shull, JMP Senior Testing Manager
This demo will use examples to explain Formula Editor mechanics, to investigate and fix common errors, and to solidify best practices and useful tricks for formula creation. A detailed walk-through will cover various aspects of the formula builder, including using drag and drop, keyboard shortcuts and function buttons to create formulas. As we work through the examples, we will discuss useful functions, uncover and correct common mistakes, work with subscripts and more. Best practice topics to be covered include: custom formats, using formulas for data cleanup, column transforms and using intermediate columns to build more complex formulas. Special emphasis will be placed on JMP 14 new features, including user-defined functions, result preview, live formula error/warning detection and customizable function list.
The tutorial uses the attached "FormulaEditorDemo.jmpapp" to progress through the class. The progression follows the attached "JMP Formula Editor DeepDive_Handout.docx", opening the data tables and creating the formulas. The (after) data tables allow you to see the final results after the tutorial is complete.