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Using an Augmented Covering Array to Test the New Destructive Degradation Platform

Michael Crotty, JMP Statistical Writer, SAS


A covering array enables a software tester to efficiently test interactions between components of a software system. Due to external considerations, sometimes specific levels of interactions must be included in a test plan. Our test plan for the new Destructive Degradation platform in JMP 12 is a strength 2 covering array that incorporates the additional required runs. This presentation opens with a demonstration of the new Destructive Degradation platform. This platform enables you to model how a product degrades over time when you are forced to destroy it to measure the response variable. Next, we introduce covering arrays and their efficiency metrics. We show how you can use the Covering Array platform in JMP Pro 12 to develop a test plan for the Destructive Degradation platform. We use equivalence partitioning to reduce the number of test cases needed, and then we manually augment the design with the additional required interactions. We demonstrate how JMP computes efficiency metrics for the various designs. We close by discussing these metrics for the augmented design.

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