Level: Intermediate
Shannon Conners, JMP Director of Research and Development, SAS
The JMP team, like many of our customers, is simultaneously engaged in building new product versions and analyzing problem reports from production releases. Customer bug and crash reports provide precious insights into customers’ experience of JMP product quality. JMP began prompting customers to email Mac crash reports in JMP 12 and added built-in support for emailing Windows crash reports in JMP 13. Technical Support and Development collaborate to identify, investigate and fix unsolved customer crashes. The process starts when a report is emailed to JMP Technical Support and processed in an hourly batch. New crash signatures are loaded into a SQL Server database and screened to identify them as novel or potentially related to a known issue; then details are sent back to the track. I refresh my crash investigation environment frequently with a JSL script that calls JMP Query Builder and table manipulation tools like Split and Summarize, and embeds scripts and web links in tables to enable quick investigation and distribution. Imported and derived data tables open as tabs inside a JMP 14 Project. I use this crash data project to identify additional occurrences of existing crashes and find unsolved crash groupings requiring further investigation by JMP developers.