Dan Schikore, Principal Software Developer, JMP
JMP platforms are often used in combination with one another to help guide a workflow or to provide complementary analysis and visualization of the data. JMP 13 introduces several new features to help you organize multiple reports in a single window and to reproduce the set of reports using the same data table or a new table.
The Poster: In this presentation you will learn about the new docking panel display infrastructure for building report layouts that can be reconfigured dynamically. These docking panels are used when creating Dashboards either using Combine Windows or with the Dashboard Builder. The docking panel features are also supported in JSL for developers creating custom reports. Dashboards can include Selection Filters to allow one graph to filter the others, and support Summary Report View to hide the details in each platform. If your data is created as a result of using SQL Query Builder or JMP Query Builder, you have the option to rerun the query each time the Dashboard is run. Improvements in interactive HTML output in JMP 13 allow dashboards to be reproduced in HTML for sharing purposes. The poster files are attached.
The Tutorial: Attached are a collection of Dashboard and Application examples that were used for a tutorial at JMP Discovery 2016. The PDF file contains a step-by-step annotated guide to creating the examples. The zip file contains the JMP files required to work through the examples, including sample dashboards and applications and an interactive guide to working through the examples. After unzipping the file, open AppBuilderTutorial.jmpapp using JMP 13 to walk through the process. When you open this file, it may ask you to open the folder containing the examples. The examples included are:
- Multiple platforms sharing a Local Data Filter

- Filtering one platform using another (Selection Filter)

- Creating dashboards and applications using data produced by the Query Builder

- Creating custom applications incorporating multiple windows and JSL scripts

Along the way in the tutorial, many features of the new Dashboard Builder are introduced, including updates to the Combine Windows functionality, Docking infrastructure for rearranging the layout of live reports, and Report View options for hiding details of reports. Interactive HTML dashboards are also demonstrated, using the new JMP 13 support for interactive Graph Builder output in HTML5.