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Using Custom Maps as Selection Filters to Subset and Explore Graphs of My Workout Data in JMP® 12

Shannon Conners, PhD, JMP Director of Research and Development, SAS
Dan Schikore, PhD, JMP Principal Software Developer, SAS

JMP 9 introduced background maps in JMP graphics for placing data points into geographic context. The ability to create custom map shapes opens up many possibilities for visualizing data in location context. Maps become even more powerful when combined with new JMP 12 selection filters that let a graph or map filter other report graphs. I will demonstrate the Custom Map Creator JSL add-in that lets you trace shapes in pictures to easily create custom map files. I created a muscle map of female muscle structures that I incorporated into combined reports as a selection filter that let me drill down into specific details about body areas worked during various weight training workouts. I used the new JMP 12 Recode platform to clean up my imported workout data. I will show how I created Recode scripts to consolidate similar exercise names, and categorize each exercise into 1) a comprehensive list of all body parts worked, 2) a primary body part category and 3) a general body zone category (e.g., upper, core and lower body). I incorporated these categories into graphs and filters to view my training data at different levels of detail.


You can download my female muscle shape files here:

They're not perfect but a good starting point!

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