Gerald L. Fish, President, Experistats LLC
The Time Series Analysis platform in JMP contains an optional spectral density analysis for studying repeating signals. Spectral analysis is often used in engineering, such as electrical, vibration and acoustic signal analysis. The author will demonstrate a JMP script which adds important functionality to the existing spectral density, including:
- Averaging (to help clean up nonrepeating signal noise).
- Windowing (to clean up periodicity that does not have an integer number of cycles per frame).
- Transfer functions (allowing frequency domain analysis of input/output effects).
- Waterfall plots (showing time-varying frequencies versus resonances).
- Inverse Fourier transforms (allowing transform from frequency back into time domain).
- Damping ratio estimates (based on peak widths).
- Power between cursors (giving total energy content of a peak).
- Optional output in decibels.