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Beyond JMP® Journals: Using JMP as Interactive and Dynamic Presentation Software...

 Beyond JMP® Journals: Using JMP as Interactive and Dynamic Presentation Software for Real-Time Evidence-Based Decision-Making


John Salmon, MS, Research Engineer – Aerospace Systems Design Laboratory

JMP “slide-interfaces” offer additional capability not found in other presentation software, such as suppression of analyses for different types of audiences, live zooming or filtering actions for multi-scope investigations, and on-demand adjustments of assumptions, constraints and presented examples. These JMP features respond to suggested studies that static slides, or slides with minimal interaction, may not always be the most effective way to present and communicate information essential for decision making. Since decision making is innately a task or process for defining actions in the future, uncertainty is always present. Thus, decision making often requires testing key assumptions or hypotheses under different scenarios in order to gain insight into expected outcomes from different decisions. Traditional slides with static graphs do not allow manipulation of assumptions; as a result, decisions are often made on a subset of all possible scenarios and on potentially limited data not shared by the decision maker. Using JMP as both presentation software and data analysis tool concurrently with “slide-interfaces” can significantly improve decision making by immersing participants in the data during the presentation – thereby allowing real-time trade-offs, data mining, “what-if” games and decision space exploration. This paper summarizes some initial findings and applications of JMP as presentation software developed at the Aerospace Systems Design Laboratory (ASDL) at the Georgia Institute of Technology.