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Ways to reduce your single-use plastics
This area is meant to be a resource to help on the journey to reduce single-use plastics. Here you will find everything from detailed, in-depth white papers to blog posts by those on the same path to doing their part to restore their ecosystem. Please share your tips and tricks in the comments below! 

I have included a few of my faves here:
#6 When ordering pizza, say no to the little plastic “table” in the middle of the pizza box. It’s called a “package saver.” Think about it. A single-use plastic device meant to save a single-use cardboard box. What about all the marine animals that swallow that type of disposable plastic? It doesn’t save them, does it? When ordering, say, “Please don’t put that little white plastic thing in the middle of the pizza.” They’ll know what you mean.

#47 Try natural beeswax coated cloth wraps instead of plastic cling film.Check out my review of various beeswax-coated cloth wraps to substitute for plastic wrap. You can buy them new or make them yourself!

Our household is currently experimenting with reusable paper towels instead of disposable. Using cotton flannel, cutting it into squares and sewing the edges. We'll see how it goes.