For those classic can use the keyboard!
// mouseBox has some keyboard methods that have not been
// documented very well. Test them to see if they will
// do what you need; there are issues with the mouse box
// losing key focus and issues with special keys (like "s")
// that enter selection-cursor mode and lose the key focus.
// it looks like the numeric keypad and the arrow keys work
// pretty well.
New Window( "test", mb = MouseBox( tb = Text Box( "try the arrow keys" ) ) );
mb << setkey( Function( {this, key}, tb << settext( key ) ) );
mb << setkeyenable( 1 );
mb << setfocus;
This works back to JMP 11. Feedback here would be great.
Thanks Craige for sharing... this will definitely improve my high scores.
I posted a new version of snake with this setkey function to set my 'next direction' variable and it seems to work well
// enable keyboard controls
mb << setkey(
Function( {this, key},
If( key == "DOWN",::nextdir = 1);
If( key == "LEFT",::nextdir = 2);
If( key == "UP",::nextdir = 3);
If( key == "RIGHT",::nextdir = 4);