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The Discovery Summit 2025 Call for Content is open! Submit an abstract today to present at our premier analytics conference.
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UK Users Group in-person!

Finally in-person! After more than two years of only online events, we would like to meet in person on October 6th in London. 


When: 06 October 2022 | 09:30 - 15:30 BST

Where: Imperial College London

Registration Link:


Time Topic
09:30 Registration and Coffee
10:00 Welcome and Introductions
10:10 JMP Usage at Imperial College London
Antonio Del Rio Chanona, Imperial College London
10:40 Speeding up assay development with automated workflow for assessing plate bias of microtiter plate assays.
Tomasz Witkos, AstraZeneca and Hadey Myers, JMP
11:10 Break
11:40 Using JMP for screening and visualization of large industrial datasets for process understanding and modelling in manufacturing systems.  
Max Mowbray, Manchester University and Francisco Navarro, Solvay
12:10 DoE-Assisted Method Development for the Analysis of Monoclonal Antibodies Charge Variants by Cation-Exchange Chromatography.
Giulia Lambiase, AstraZeneca 
12:40 Lunch Break
14:00 What´s new in JMP 17
Stuart Little, JMP
14:30 Customer Projects using JMP 17
15:00 JMP Wish List, Wrap-up and Next Meeting
15:30 End