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  • Name Selected Rows in a New Column

    Create a new column that contains a value for selected and deselected rows.   In this example, the height column contains the measured heights (in inches) of students in a study. Heights over 60 inches are considered tall, and heights below 60 inches are considered short. You can select the tall data in a report and then create a new column that assigns a value of Tall to the selected students and...

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:36 PM
    699 views | 0 replies
  • Use the Enhanced Log

    The enhanced log shows summary information in an interactive table and scripting details in a text pane. To open the log, select View > Log (Windows) or Window > Log (macOS). Tip: If you do not see the enhanced log, check the mode setting under Preferences > Log. Enhanced Log This log shows that the following actions were performed: The Nicardipine Lab data table was openedA column na...

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:35 PM
    453 views | 0 replies
  • Explore the Numbers Behind a Graph in a Hover Label

    Do you want to explore the actual numbers behind a visualization? Add a Tabulate table to a hover label. In a JMP graph, right-click and select Hover Label > Tabulate.Select a Hover Label Type Hover over a point in the graph.Show a Hover Label Click the hover label graph to open it in a new window.Click the disclosure icon to open the Local Data Filter.Open a Local Data Filter To update the Tabula...

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:35 PM
    582 views | 0 replies
  • Set Specification Limits

    You can set specification limits on a column and enable them to show on graphs, as follows: Right-click on the column that you want to set specification limits for and select Column Properties > Spec Limits. Enter any of the following: a lower specification limit, an upper specification limit, or a target value. Select the Show as Graph Reference Lines check box. Click OK. Perform any analysis to...

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:34 PM
    1068 views | 0 replies
  • Filter and Search Columns

    When you select an analysis platform from the Analyze or Graph menus, a launch window appears. All of the columns in your data table appear in the Select Columns list. If your data contains many columns, you can use the filters or search for a specific column. To search for a specific column: 1. Click the red triangle under Select Columns. 2. Click Show Filter (unless it is already selected). 3. A...

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:34 PM
    1363 views | 0 replies
  • Keyboard Shortcuts for Tools

    To access JMP tools, press the following keys: Arrow tool = aHelp tool = ?Selection tool = sScroller tool = rGrabber (Hand) tool = hBrush tool = bLasso tool = lMagnifier (Zoom) tool = zCrosshairs tool = cRuler tool = d(Text) Annotate tool = tLine, Polygon, and Simple Shape tool = no shortcuts Note: The letter can be lowercase or capitalized.

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:34 PM
    393 views | 0 replies
  • Dynamic Text Re-Sizing (Windows)

    You can change text sizes in JMP without using Preferences. To increase all font sizes by one point: Select Window > Font Sizes > Increase Font Sizes. Or, hold down the Control and Shift keys and type +. To decrease all font sizes by one point: Select Window > Font Sizes > Decrease Font Sizes. Or, hold down the Control and Shift keys and type -. Text Resizing Options

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:34 PM
    430 views | 0 replies
  • Dynamic Text Re-Sizing (macOS)

    You can change text sizes in JMP without using Preferences. To increase all font sizes by one point: Select View > Make Text Bigger. Or, hold down the command key and type +. To decrease all font sizes by one point: Select View > Make Text Smaller. Or, hold down the command key and type -. Text Resizing Options

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:34 PM
    328 views | 0 replies
  • Text Import Preview (Windows)

    Use the Text Import Wizard window to see a preview of how JMP imports a text file: Select File > Open.Select the text file that you want to open.At the bottom of the Open Data File window, select the option Data (Using Preview).Click Open. The Text Import Preview shows you how your text file is imported. You can change settings and see what effect the changes have on the text.When the data is se...

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:34 PM
    436 views | 0 replies
  • Text Import Preview (macOS)

    Use the Text Import Preview window to see a preview of how JMP imports a text file: Select File > Open.Select the text file that you want to open.Select Open As > Data (Using Preview).Click Open. The Text Import Preview shows you how your text file is imported. You can change settings and see what effect the changes have on the text.When the data is set the way you want, click Next to see a wind...

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:34 PM
    313 views | 0 replies
  • Fill a Column with Values

    There are two ways to repeat a set of values down a data table column. Using a Fill Command Highlight the values that you want to repeat and right-click.Select Fill > Repeat sequence to end of table. Fill Menu Using Copy and Paste Highlight the values and select Edit > Copy.Highlight the destination cells and select Edit > Paste. The paste operation cycles through the cells in your selecti...

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:33 PM
    1048 views | 0 replies
  • Paste Reports into Other Applications (Windows)

    To copy a portion of a report, use the selection tool () on the toolbar or the Tools menu. Select the areas that you want to copy. Hold the Shift key to select more than one area.Select Edit > Copy.Follow the other application's directions for pasting text and objects from other programs. You can also drag the selection from JMP to the destination. Note: JMP makes clipboard data available in m...

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:32 PM
    321 views | 0 replies
  • Paste Reports into Other Applications (macOS)

    To copy a portion of a report, use the selection tool () on the toolbar or the Tools menu. Select the areas that you want to copy. Hold the Shift key to select more than one area.Select Edit > Copy.In the other application, select Edit > Paste or Edit > Paste Special. You can also drag the selection from JMP to the destination. Note: JMP makes clipboard data available in multiple formats, and ...

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:32 PM
    276 views | 0 replies
  • Capture a JMP Workflow

    If you find yourself doing the same steps over and over in JMP, capture your steps with Workflow Builder. It is like an advanced macro that records your actions in JMP so that you can replay them or share them with others. Select File > New > Workflow.Click Record to start recording.Perform your steps in JMP, like opening a data table and performing analyses. As you complete an analysis, close the...

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:32 PM
    504 views | 0 replies
  • Search JMP

    If you are not sure where to find a statistical procedure, do a search across JMP. Results are tailored to the window that you launch the search from, such as a data table or report. Click Help > Search JMP. Or, press Ctrl+comma on Windows, ^+comma on Mac.Enter your search text.Click the result that contains the procedure that you want. On the right, you can see a description and the location of t...

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:31 PM
    358 views | 0 replies
  • What’s New in JMP 17

    Learn about exciting new features in the latest version of JMP.  JMP 17 and JMP Pro 17 were released in October 2022 with many new features covered in detail. This video provides an overview of a selection of these new features, including: Workflow Builder, a point-and-click tool for creating documented, reproducible analysis workflows JMP Search for finding and launching the specific analysis tha...

    Laura_Higgins Laura_Higgins
    Learning Center |
    Jun 15, 2023 1:58 PM
    5895 views | 0 replies
  • Get Going with JMP: Essentials for Using JMP

    These videos provide JMP essentials for new users and those who want a refresher.    Overviews Getting Started With JMPNEW! JMP Tips and Tricks (JMP 18)Better JSL Smoother Migration: How To Fix Your Own Code​   Automating Your Analysis WorkflowWhat’s New in JMP 17 Data Preparation NEW!  From Excel to JMP: Importing, Consolidating and Maximizing the Value of Excel Data Using Formulas to Get the Mos...

    Laura_Higgins Laura_Higgins
    Learning Center |
    May 11, 2022 10:30 AM
    8855 views | 0 replies
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