Webinar Overview
Analysis of time-to-event data – often called survival or reliability analysis – is commonly taught in biostatistics, reliability engineering, and other domains. JMP’s suite of survival and reliability tools support comprehensive teaching of key concepts and techniques in this domain, including survival and hazard functions, censoring, Kaplan-Meier analysis, parametric survival modeling, and more. This webinar provides a tutorial on JMP tools for teaching these concepts and techniques, as as well as a brief review of JMP tools for more specialized reliability analyses common in industry, such as accelerated life testing. We also point you to relevant free teaching resources from the JMP Academic team.
Helpful Links
Register for upcoming JMP Academic webinars: www.jmp.com/academic-webinars
JMP for academics: www.jmp.com/academic
Free teaching materials: www.jmp.com/teach
JMP for students: www.jmp.com/student
0:00 Introduction
4:28 Kaplan-Meier Analysis
14:17 Proportional Hazards Models
26:30 Estimating Time-to-Event Distributions
36:55 Left and Interval Censoring
40:40 Parametric Survival Models
47:40 Accelerated Life Testing
53:41 Degradation Analysis
56:28 Teaching Resources