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Compress a Folder into a Zip File




You need to compress an entire folder into a single ".zip" file.




Use JMP's built-in support for compressing files to create a ZipArchive object. Once you have a ZipArchive object, you can write blob representations of the uncompressed files to the ".zip" file.


		folderToZip - "path" - path to the folder you want to compress
		zipFileLoc - "path" - path to the output zip file
		overwriteFile - <0|1> - do you want to overwrite an existing file. default is 0
		recursive - <0|1> - do you want all files in the folder or just top leve. default is 1
zipFolder = Function( {folderToZip, zipFileLoc, overwriteFile = 0, recursive = 1},
	{Default Local}, 
	// Convert the filepath to the OS and add a trailing slash if one is missing
	If( Host is( "Windows" ),
		folderToZip = Convert File Path( folderToZip, "Windows" );
		zipFileLoc = Convert File Path( zipFileLoc, "Windows" );
		If( Substr( folderToZip, -1 ) != "\",
			folderToZip = Concat( folderToZip, "\" )
		folderToZip = Convert File Path( folderToZip, "posix" );
		zipFileLoc = Convert File Path( zipFileLoc, "posix" );
		If( Substr( folderToZip, -1 ) != "/",
			folderToZip = Concat( folderToZip, "/" )
	// Check to see if the file exst
	If( File Exists( zipFileLoc ),
		Match( overwriteFile,
			0, // if we should not overwrite, write to the log and return 0
				Write( "\!NFile already exists" );
				Return( 0 );
			1, // else just delete the existing file
				Delete File( zipFileLoc ),
	// create the zipfile and ZipArchive object (za)
	za = Open( zipFileLoc, zip );
	// get our list of files to compress, based on recursive setting
	If( recursive == 1,
		dirlist = Files In Directory( folderToZip, "recursive" ),
		dirlist = Files In Directory( folderToZip )
	// loop through each file
	For( iFile = 1, iFile <= N Items( dirlist ), iFile++, 
		// read in the uncompressed file as a blob
		tmpBlob = Load Text File( folderToZip || dirlist[iFile], blob );
		// write compressed file to the ZipArchive object
		za << Write( dirlist[iFile], tmpBlob );
	Return( 1 );



I've used variations of this function in several add-ins. Hopefully this will get you started with compressing your files!

See Also

JSL Syntax Reference > JSL Messages > Other Objects > Zip Archive

Scripting Index > ZipArchive


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