☐ cool new feature
☑ could help many users!
☑ removes a „bug“
☐ nice to have
☐ nobody needs it
Workflow Builder just records part of the steps which a user performs in Jmp.
Especially commands from Add-ins are not recorded.
My wish: Enable Workflow Builder to record as many actions as possible.
- Provide an easy way for Add-In Programmers to make the add-ins "suitable" to be recorded via Workflow Builder.
- add a functionality to workflow builder to record the actions of existing add-ins (without adjustment within the Add-In)
- add the steps as Main Menu("Add-Ins: command") - i.e. not fully automatic, but with some user interaction
- add a dummy step to the workflow idicating that Workflow Builder was not able to grab an action
(then the user can decide if this action was important and just in case try to re-do it using an official function)
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