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Update or refresh Google Sheets

JMP 15 introduced the capability to connect and get data from Google Sheets.
Google has several services to update time series data in GSheet every day/week/month, either maintaining the number of rows, or adding new data at the bottom of the table. These are often indexed by datetime which is the first column.
When using the GSheet connector, it will be great to have an option to update the current table instead of opening a new one (default behavior for 'source' script)
I assume adding this "refresh option" as a setting when loading for the first time the table is not difficult. Yet, this will facilitate day-to-day analytical routines, as users can then re-run saved graph or analysis scripts.
1 Comment
Community Manager
Status changed to: Archived
We are archiving this request. If this is still important please comment with additional details and we will reopen. Thank you!