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Turn off alphabetical ordering of tables column names in Query Builder

What inspired this wish list request? A change was noticed in upgrade from JMP 17 to JMP 18 where all table column names are automatically alphabetized rather than following programmed order.



What is the improvement you would like to see? Return to previous setting where the table column order is how the table was built.



Why is this idea important? Increased burden on large tables to reorder. 



Level III

OR - offer this as a preference so you can toggle between how the table was build and alphabetical?  I'm assuming some people like their columns alphabetized?  I'm not sure why though.  This is a huge burden for me with the number of columns to search through.  The stuff that was always "right up front" is now buried halfway through 60 columns.

Level III

FYI - I got an update from Technical Support that this is being worked on to "revert back so it is ordered according to how the tables exist in the database".

No info on when that fix is expected to roll out.