☐ cool new feature
☐ could help many users!
☐ removes a „bug“
☐ nice to have
☑ nobody needs it -> use Query builder.
when joining tables, it gets interesting when there are several rows with identical values to match.
The standard approach: for the N idential values in the first table and M identical values in the second table, NxM rows are generated in the joined data table.
Another way is to use the "drop multiples" option.
Then just the first row with the respective value makes it into the joined data table and the remaining rows are dropped.
my wish:
an option to choose the aggregation method (one drop-down menu for each of the 2 tables)
possible options:
the two existing ones:
- no aggregation, NxM
- take the first, drop the rest
... plus some of the aggregations that can be found in the Summary Table menu
(at least: N, mean, median, min, max, sum)

A workaround: first, generate a summary table for one table - and then joint the summary table with table #2 -- or a summary table of table #2.
another workaround: generate columns with the aggregated values first and then join the tables
but it would be really cool and convenient if this could be done directly via the join table menu ...