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Sort the level after the post-hoc analysis

What inspired this wish list request? I analyzed the data in a split-plot design and in the post-hoc test (LSMeans Differences Student's t) the levels by default were arranged according to the least Sq mean. I tried to sort them based on levels and for individual tables; I got success. But I want to know how we can change these settings (sort by levels) by default for all analyses. 



What is the improvement you would like to see? Here is an example of how to do the sorting using JSL

Names Default To Here( 1 );
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/" );
obj = Fit Model(
	Y( :y ),
	Effects( :Drug, :x ),
	Personality( Standard Least Squares ),
	Emphasis( Effect Leverage )
myobj = obj << Run(
	:Drug << {LSMeans Student's t( .05, Connecting Letters Report( 1 ) )}
objr = obj << report;
Report(myobj)["Response y","Drug","LSMeans Differences Student's t",TableBox(1)] << sort by column( "Level", ascending = 1);

this is a possible solution with JSL but again this is time consuming. therefore preferences setting to have the table sorted by level automatically after the post-hoc analysis


Why is this idea important? 






1 Comment
Status changed to: Acknowledged

Hi @Lalit_Rolaniya , in the next release, we've enabled one-click sorting in many analysis report tables to make it easier to custom sort reports of interest. This means that if you click the column label (Level, in this case) it will automatically sort in ascending order, if you click again it will sort in descending order, and if you click a third time it will return to the original ordering.


There are other changes in progress that will make it easier to save customizations like this, but one-click sorting will make this much easier.