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Show filter window in taskbar window lists and data table window list

What inspired this wish list request? I use the data table filter often (especially as a selection tool vs a filter) so I will minimize it.  To find it again I have to go to the home window or window list table as it does not show up in the Windows taskbar (it does show up if not minimized) or on the bottom of the data table window list panel.



What is the improvement you would like to see?  I would like to see data the table filter window to show up the same way as all windows do on the task bar and the data tables.


Why is this idea important? It will improve the user experience as there will be less searching for the filter window and will improve user efficiency.


From the data table window, the Rows > Data Filter menu item and the Data Filter toolbar item will restore a minimized global data filter:


That's not exactly what you are suggesting, but it might be easier than having to go to a different window.

Level XI

Data Filter is listed in the list with Jmp windows in the task bar:


The data filter disappears from the list if the preferences are set to hide it.
But then there are also no Report windows listed in the task bar - which even hurts more than the data filter
