Issue: When I do an analysis I sometimes have to remove outliers to get a better fitting model. I typically select the row and use the exclude button to do this. However, this excludes the entire row and while an outlier might exist for one column of data it might not be an outlier for a different column of data which I am fitting a different model to. I’ve been able to get around this by using the row-state feature to remember which rows are excluded for which analyses, but have found it clunky when trying to roll up all the models together. Plus I tend to forget to set the row state before running the script which then leads to me publishing erroneous results.
Suggestion: It would be nice if JMP remembered which points where removed specific to each analyses and saved it as part of the script. Would be nice if it greyed out the point or identified it in some other way on the plots so I could see and remember that it was removed. Would be good to be able to toggle it on and off. Similar to how you highlight data in tables now.