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Option: Independent Color Settings on different Pages - and for Wrap Subplots

☑ cool new feature
☑ could help many users!

☐ removes a bug

☐ nice to have

☐ nobody needs it


edit: triggered by the comment of  @TorP , I included "Wrap" in the title.

with page: nice
with wrap: amazing!


What inspired this wish list request? 

Graph Builder has an option to link or not link the x and y scales on different pages:



Sometimes a user need a corresponding option for the color settings:

How can I create independent color legends per page in Graph Builder with custom maps 


e.g. here in this plot, the information about the on-wafer distribution of defects is hidden by the wafer-to-wafer trends *):
*) example data, over-emphasized by adding wafer# to the defects counts



what I want to see:




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dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Wafer" );
dt  << New Formula Column(
	Operation( Category( "Combine" ), "Sum" ),
	Columns( :Wafer, :Defects )
Graph Builder(
	Link Page Axes( "X and Y" ),
	Replicate Linked Page Axes( 0 ),
		X( :X_Die ),
		Y( :Y_Die ),
		Page( :Wafer, Levels per Row( 5 ) ),
		Color( :"Wafer+Defects"n )
	Elements( Heatmap( X, Y ) )



What is the improvement you would like to see? 

In Graph Builder, please add an option to link / not link the color settings between pages.


Why is this idea important? 

especially in combination with Graph Builder Preferences: Middle 90% (or 99%) 

Semiconductor users will love you


other wishes from hogi_2-1702196401638.png

Level I

Would be helpful to have this option also in the "Wrap" mode, not only "Pages".
Below is another example to illustrate the problem (which I have very often).
For trends between diff. wafers I use the "Wrap" mode to show all wafers w/ the same scale.


And for on-wafer issues I make single maps for each wafer w/ a data filter and copy them as single graphs to Powerpoint (feels a bit like working w/ Minitab again ;-)).


Would be much easier to have an option like "Combined Legend" vs. "Independent legend" or "Locked"/"Unlocked" legend.

Level XII

agree -> I changed the title : )