What inspired this wish list request?
I am trying to round some columns based on the number of decimals places in another column.
What is the improvement you would like to see?
I would like to see a Number of Decimals counter
Why is this idea important?
Other scripting languages have this function available. It is important to the situation to automatically round decimals to minimize human error when rounding values to put into tables in Word.
I have to use the Mod function within If() which does not account for all possibilities for rounding.
dt3 << New Column("EAC", Numeric, "Continuous", Formula(If(:Delta > k_EAC_value, Round(k_EAC_value*:StdDev, if( or(mod(:LSL, 1) < 1, mod(:USL, 1) < 1), 1, 0) ) ) ) );