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Interval censored response with one or more random terms in the model

What inspired this wish list request? 

I am analyzing data for an engineer in which part of the data is below the detection limit, which is good. I want to include that data in the results. The data is a batch process, and the batch should be included in the model as a random term.


I tried using GenReg (which accepts interval censored data), but it would not allow the random term in the model. I tried using Standard Least Squares, but it would not acknowledge the interval censored data. I tried using Generalized Linear Mixed Model, but it would not acknowledge the interval censored data.


What is the improvement you would like to see? 

I would like a modeling platform that allows random terms in the model, and interval censored responses.


Why is this idea important? 

This would allow me to build models for my engineers that do not have glaring problems or missing data.


Status changed to: Acknowledged
Status changed to: Acknowledged

Thank you for submitting this request @DB1.