Not sure if this is the best place to bring it up, but something that has bothered me for years is the "marker size" option in Graphbuilder. Even if I use the maximum size (level 6), it's typically too small for a publication, though I just realized you can choose "other" and go as large as you want. Although this gets me to where I want to be, I wonder if it would be possible to, rather than present size levels 1-6 as options, instead have a bar that you can drag to set the icon size precisely (in which you can watch the change in real time, i.e., dynamic resizing). Another alternative could be to treat the icons as fonts, in which case you could use the font editor to increase their size to a specific font size. This might be good for people like me who paste or export these into Adobe Illustrator or other applications, in which case you may need a specific font type and size.