☑ cool new feature
☐ could help many users!
☐ removes a bug
☐ nice to have
☐ nobody needs it
What inspired this wish list request?
Sometimes, rows have different weight (on a continuous scale) ...
and a user wants to express this weight visually in Graph Builder.
Different ways to do so:
- use color Dropzone - and use a color scale which emphasizes data points with larger weight
- use Size Dropzone - making data points with large weight larger.
For both approaches, I have the feeling that my eyes cannot use the information "on the fly" - they need some help of the brain *)
In Plenary: All Graphs Are Wrong, but Some Are Useful - Xan Gregg
@XanGregg explains how different kinds of visualization are easier or harder to understand.
What is the improvement you would like to see?
In my opinion, Transparency is THE natural way to weight data in plots. Lower values get less visible - and count "less" - for the logic analysis unit in a human eye. I'd guess that this even works without support of the brain.
Please add a possibility to use a continuous value to control the weight of data points or elements of other plot types.
Why is this idea important?
There are Drozones for all the important settings: Marker (Overlay), Color, Size, just Transparency is missing.
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