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Floating graph builder control panel window

What inspired this wish list request? I will get graph builder to a state that looks really good for exploring data, fitted to my whole screen, and I will need to make some changes to the layout.  It is inconvenient to have to show the control panel, make the change and then remove the control panels.  For example, I may want to overlay a factor for one or two items in a column switcher then remove it for the remaining ones.  Or I may want to change the variables that a smoother respects.



What is the improvement you would like to see? I would like to see the ability for the Graph builder controls be in a floating window, so elements change be changed without having to open and close the "fixed" control panel.


So have a window that looks like this where it won't show any data but shows the general layout and chart elements that you can manipulate but can be on another monitor so you can change the layout of the chart but not affect the viewing of the data.


Maybe even have the ability for the filter and column switcher to live in this floating window as well


Why is this idea important? I think will allow for the following

  • Keep the flexibility of exploring the data while allowing the data viewing area to be as large as possible
  • Some efficiency gains by not having to turn on and off the control panel
  • Allow the control panel to be accessed even if you have to scroll down to a "tall" chart layout
  • Takes advantage of multiple monitors



1 Comment
Level XI
