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Custom formulas for summary statistics that can be created then used in Tabulate, Distribution, Summary, Graph Builder etc. as well as Column functions (ex. Col GCV(:Column 1, :By Variable Column))

What inspired this wish list request? Having to perform a task of "make combined data table" and re-creating a complex function multiple times to get the desired values.  Also, is difficult to coach scientist on how to do this with their data and there is opportunity for the formula to be modified or entered incorrectly by mistake.


What is the improvement you would like to see? Custom formulas for summary statistics that can be created then used in Tabulate, Distribution, Summary, Graph Builder etc. It would be great if you could also use any of these formulas as column formulas with the option of By Variables.(ex. Col GCV(:Column 1, :By Variable Column))



Why is this idea important? 

Increase efficiency; Avoid errors when re-entering formulas; Allow flexibility to add to the COTS based on need.




Level III

My original post was overwritten with an autosave version.  Will update now.

Status changed to: Acknowledged

Hi @DIVIDESbyZER0, thank you for your suggestion! We have captured your request and will take it under consideration.

Level V

I would like to second this, if adding comments mean anything.

Super User

I have also mentioned something similar to JMP during JMP17 EA in May 2022 as a feedback. I have also mentioned later multiple times to different JMP staff. I would also think that this wishAdd normalization and robust statistical functions (and matrix functions) to be partially related as hopefully we could just implement those ourselves and not wait for JMP. 



Level XII

Really bad that every statistics platform has its own - surprisingly restricted - set of statistics functions


A: Summary Statistics



B: Graph Builder



c: Header Statistics:


worst: New Formula Column



Why is this not harmonized - why are so many statistics missing ?!?!

I agree:
The ability to add needed entries via user defined statistics could easily solve the issue by providing the user the possibility to fill the gap.

Sounds related to : Option or function to evaluate a custom column formula at once, or cache values between rows ?


For Transform Functions, I asked JMP support why it's not possible to create user defined statistics.
And the answer was (TS-00063463):


"rare use cases" !

Even from the comparison of the different statistics platforms one can deduce that for some of the platforms MOST of the statistics options are missing, not just "rare" ones.