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Custom DOE With an Integrated Variance + Expected Bias Option

I am a big fan and user of the Custom DOE option in JMP. I recently use the option to plan a pro COVID vaccination advertising campaign that significantly increased rates. At the same time, I wish that the software included expected bias (at least as an option) in the design criterion. Both Doug Mongomery and I have written papers about variance plus expected bias criteria. George Box pointed out the importance of including bias in experimental planning optimization. For related references please consider our old article:

Allen, T. T., & Tseng, S. H. (2011). Variance plus bias optimal response surface designs with qualitative factors applied to stem choice modeling. Quality and Reliability Engineering International27(8), 1199-1210.

Variance plus bias optimal response surface designs with qualitative factors applied to stem choice ...

It shows how to make reasonable assumptions in general situations. Contact me at if you want to discuss this.