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Communications with academic customers when features are removed or changed


My students were in the middle of their Lab exam, conducting a Block ANOVA. A problem arose when they came to test for unequal variance, they were unable to do so, the option was no longer showing! This test was showing a few weeks earlier. I then learnt from technical support that this option was recently removed from JMP 16. 

It is hard for us teachers when things are changed without our knowledge, as we build the labs with step by step instructions, and do not know when steps have been changed or removed. This is especially difficult in online classes.


I suggest/wish that JMP provide an internal mechanism to prioritize certain deprecation or feature removals for external communication to academic customers.

Thank you




Status changed to: Acknowledged

Hi @Mage, thank you for your suggestion! We have captured your request and will take it under consideration.

Status changed to: Delivered

I am updating the status as I believe the academic team has reached out to discuss this issue. Let me know if I should re-open this, thank you!